Employee Retirement Detail / कर्मचारी का सेवानिवृत्ति विवरण

Employee Retirement Detail / कर्मचारी का सेवानिवृत्ति विवरण

Employee Retirement Detail (Report) / कर्मचारी का सेवानिवृत्ति विवरण (रिपोर्ट)
सरल क्र.
Employee Name
कर्मचारी का नाम
Seperation Type
पृथक्करण प्रकार
Retirement Date
सेवानिवृत्ति तिथि
Office Type
कार्यालय का प्रकार
Order Date
आदेश की तारीख
Order No
आदेश संख्या
1 Mr Ram Gopal Sharma(E2298) Retirement 31/12/2023 Head Office 02/12/2023 13172 Retired On 31/12/2023
2 Swaroop Singh Rajput(E2163) Retirement 31/12/2023 Bhopal- Circle Office 06/12/2023 13173 Retired On 31/12/2023
Description / विवरण
  • Office Type (Dropdown)
    • User will be able to select the Office Type from the dropdown which will automatically reflect Office Type Master.
  • Search
    • User will Search data as per selected field.
    • After click on Search button data will be visible in grid view.
  • Clear (Button)
    • User should be able to click on Clear button.
    • After clicking on Clear button all the fields should be Clear or reload the same page
  • Excel (Button)
    • Excel button should be visible and user should be able to click.
    • After clicking on the Excel button, showing the data will be export to Excel.
  • PDF (Button)
    • PDF button should be visible and user should be able to click.
    • After clicking on PDF button grid view data export in PDF.
  • Searchbox (searchable box)
    • Users can search for any text value, and only the relevant text related to the search will be displayed .
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