Supplymentry Salary Process/सप्लाईमेंट्री वेतन प्रक्रिया
Supplymentry Salary Generate/सप्लाईमेंट्री वेतन जनरेट करें

सरल क्र
Employee ID/
कर्मचारी आयडी
Employee Name [Attendance Status]
कर्मचारी का नाम [उपस्थिति स्थिति]
Basic Salary ⟨₹⟩
मूल वेतन ⟨₹⟩
Payabl Day’s
देय दिवस
Earning Total ⟨₹⟩
कुल कमाई ⟨₹⟩
Deduction Total ⟨₹⟩
कटौती कुल ⟨₹⟩
Net Salary ⟨₹⟩
शुद्ध वेतन ⟨₹⟩
Salary Status
वेतन स्थिति
1 E0025 ABC 24700 30 35904 4409 31495 Generated View |

  • Office Type
    • User will be able to select the Office Type from the dropdown which will automatically reflect from Office Type Master.
  • Office Name (Dropdown)
    • User will be able to select the Office Name from the dropdown which will automatically reflect from Office Master.
  • Year (Dropdown)
    • User will be able to select Year from dropdown. Year populated from Year Master.
  • Month (Dropdown)
    • User will be able to select Month from dropdown. Month populated from Month Master .
  • Type of post (Dropdown)
    • User will be able to select the Type of Post Name from the dropdown which will automatically reflect from Post Master.
  • Search (Button)
    • User should be able to click on Search button.
    • On Search button click Grid will be visible.
  • Excel (Button)
    • Excel button should be visible and user should be able to click.
    • After clicking on the Excel button, showing the data will be export to Excel.
  • PDF (Button)
    • PDF button should be visible and user should be able to click.
    • After clicking on PDF button grid view data export in PDF.
  • Checkbox (Checkbox)
    • Checkbox is always be Unchecked.
    • The user must have the right to check or uncheck the Checkbox.
  • Action Gridview(Edit)
    • Click The Edit Icon - A Pop Up Message Will Open -Popup Message - Do You Want To Update The details?
    • On Choose Yes Button option, The Form Will Come In The Editable format.
    • After Editing The details in the from, On Click The Update Button,( A Pop Up Message Will Open. )- Message- Do You Want To Update details.
    • Choose YES - Popup Message - Data Updated Successfully.
    • Choose No - Data will be not Update.
  • Action Gridview(Delete)
    • If the user wants to delete a record – the user can click on the delete icon. Will permanently delete the record.
    • A Pop Up Message Will Be Shown - Popup Message - Do You Want To Delete The record ?
    • On Doing YES,
    • The record Will Be Deleted And The Popup Message Will Be Shown
    • Popup Message - Record Deleted Successfully.
  • Generate Supplymentry Salary (Button)
    • Generate Supplymentry Salary button should be visible and user should be able to click.
    • After clicking on Generate Supplymentry Salary button Checked data will be saved.
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