View Leave Request & Approve Leave
छुट्टी का अनुरोध देखें और छुट्टी स्वीकृत करें

View Leave Request

सरल क्र.
Employee Name
कर्मचारी का नाम
From Date
दिनांक से
To Date
दिनांक तक
Total Days
कुल दिन
Approve Status
स्थिति स्वीकृत करें
1 Mr. Ashok Kumar Mishra HR 01-10-2023 05-10-2023 5 Pending
2 Mr. Sanjay Sharma Finance 10-10-2023 11-10-2023 2 Pending

Reject Leave
  • From Date
    • User will be able to Select From Date from Calendar .
  • To Date
    • User will be able to Select To Date from Calendar .
  • Approve Leave Request (Button)
    • User should be able to click on Approve Leave Request button.
    • Click on Approve Leave Request button form all mandatory filed should be validate in process.
    • After all fields Validate the Confirmation popup should be open with Message Format ("Are you sure?" "Do you want to save this record?").
    • If click on Yes – record will be saved and message will appear on the screen – Message ("Success!" "Record Saved Successfully!")..
    • If click on NO the record will not be saved and will return to the same page.
  • Excel
    • Excel button should be visible and user should be able to click.
    • After clicking on Excel button grid view data export in Excel.
  • PDF
    • PDF button should be visible and user should be able to click.
    • After clicking on PDF button grid view data export in PDF.
  • Searchbox
    • Users can search for any text value, and only the relevant text related to the search will be displayed .
  • Reject Leave (Button)
    • User will be able to click on Reject Leave button.
    • After clicking on Reject Leave will be Rejected
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