Loan Details/ ऋण विवरण
Loan Details/ऋण विवरण :
Note: Only interest amount can be update.

Loan Details (Report)/ऋण विवरण (रिपोर्ट)
Office Name
कार्यालय का नाम
Employee ID
कर्मचारी आईडी
Loan Head
ऋण मुख्य
Loan Order No
ऋण आदेश संख्या
Loan Amount ⟨₹⟩
ऋण राशि ⟨₹⟩
Installment Amount ⟨₹⟩
किश्त राशि ⟨₹⟩
Interest Amount ⟨₹⟩
ब्याज राशि ⟨₹⟩
Loan Deduction Year
ऋण कटौती वर्ष
Loan Deduction Month
ऋण कटौती महीना
1 DEO Office 645444 Grain Advance 2023/LNo/4/1 1600 400 0 2023 April |
2 Head Office 344444 Festival Advance 2023/LNo/4/2 1200 400 0 2022 May |
  • Office Type
    • User will be able to select the Office Type from the dropdown which will automatically reflect from Office Type Master.
  • Office Name (Dropdown)
    • User will be able to select the Office Name from the dropdown which will automatically reflect from Office Master.
  • Employee ID
    • New record insert, old data will be migrated.
  • Search
    • User will Search data as per selected field.
    • After click on Search button data will be visible in grid view.
  • Clear (Button)
    • User should be able to click on Clear button.
    • After clicking on Clear button all the fields should be Clear or reload the same page
  • Excel (Button)
    • Excel button should be visible and user should be able to click.
    • After clicking on the Excel button, showing the data will be export to Excel.
  • PDF (Button)
    • PDF button should be visible and user should be able to click.
    • After clicking on PDF button grid view data export in PDF.
  • Action (Button)
    • After click on Edit button User should be able to edit details.
    • After clicking Delete button the details will be deleted
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