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School Category Detail Master / स्कूल श्रेणी विवरण मास्टर

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School Category Details / स्कूल श्रेणी विवरण
सरल क्र.
School Category
स्कूल श्रेणी
School Category Detail
स्कूल श्रेणी विवरण
Category Detail Code No.
श्रेणी विवरण कोड संख्या
स्थिति (सक्रिय/निष्क्रिय)
1 Primary School Primary only with grades 1 to 5 (PRY) 1 Active
2 Upper primary School Upper Primary with grades 1 to 8 (PRY-UPR) 2 Active
3 Higher Secondary School Higher Secondary with grades 1 to 12 (PRY-UPR-SEC-HSEC) 3 Active
4 Upper Primary School Upper Primary only with grades 6 to 8 (UPR) 4 Active
5 Higher Secondary School Higher Secondary with grades 6 to 12 (UPR-SEC-HSEC) 5 Active
6 Secondary School Secondary with grades 1 to 10 (PRY-UPR-SEC) 6 Active
7 Secondary School Secondary with grades 6 to 10 (UPR-SEC) 7 Active
8 Secondary School Secondary only with grades 9 & 10 (SEC) 8 Active
9 Higher Secondary School Higher Secondary with grades 9 to 12 (SEC-HSEC) 10 Active
10 Higher Secondary School Hr. Sec. /Jr. College only with grades 11 & 12 (HSEC) 11 Active
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