Details About Page / पेज के बारे में विवरण
इस पेज के माध्यम से नए Set Earning & Deduction Optional Value Head Wise को Registered किया जाता है, यदि किसी कारणवश त्रुटी हो जाती हैं तो Registration Edit or Isactive भी किया जा सकता हैं |
Set Earning & Deduction Optional Value Head Wise/कमाई और कटौती का वैकल्पिक मूल्य शीर्ष के अनुसार निर्धारित करें
Set Earning & Deduction Head Values/कमाई और कटौती का वैकल्पिक मूल्य शीर्ष के अनुसार निर्धारित करें

सरल क्र
Office Type/
कार्यालय का प्रकार
Office Name/
कार्यालय का नाम
Type Of Post/
पोस्ट का प्रकार
Head Type/
मुखिया का प्रकार
Head Name/
मुखिया का नाम
Effective Date/
प्रभावी तिथि
Order No/
आदेश संख्या
Order Date/
आर्डर की तारीख
सक्रिय है
1 Division Office Head Office Regular Earning HRA Amount(Rs) / (Month Day) * (Payable Day) 100 01/01/2023 13566 10/01/2023 View |
2 District Office JD Office Deputation Deduction EPF Percentage (%) (Basic + DA) 200 - - - View |
3 Division Office DEO Office Regular Deduction PT Amount 150 - - - View |
  • Office Type
    • User will be able to select the Office Type from the dropdown and the data will be populated from the Office Type Master.
  • Office Name (Dropdown)
    • User will be able to select Office Name from dropdown. Data populated from Office Master .
  • Type of Post (Dropdown)
    • User will be able to select Type of Post from dropdown. Data populated from Post Master .
  • Head Type (Dropdown)
    • User will be able to select Head Type from dropdown. Data populated from Head Type master.
  • Earning/Deduction Head (Dropdown)
    • User will be able to select Earning/Deduction Head from dropdown. Data populated from Earning/Decuction Head Master .
  • Calculation (Dropdown)
    • User will be able to select Calculationfrom dropdown. Data populated from Calculation Process Master.
  • Value (Textbox)
    • User will be able to Enter Value in textbox.
  • Effective Date (Textbox)
    • User will be able to select Date, the field should be in a calendar format
  • Order No. (Textbox)
    • User will be able to Enter Order No. in textbox.
  • Order Date (Textbox)
    • User will be able to Enter Order Date in textbox.
  • Upload Document (In PDF) (File Upload)
    • User will be able to Upload Document
  • Save (Button)
    • User should be able to click on save button.
    • Click on save button form all mandatory filed should be validate in process.
    • After all fields Validate the Confirmation popup should be open with Message Format ("Are you sure?" "Do you want to save this record?").
    • If click on Yes – Data will be saved and message will appear on the screen – Message ("Success!" "Record Saved Successfully!")..
    • If click on NO the record will not be saved and will return to the same page.
  • Clear (Button)
    • User should be able to click on Clear button.
    • After clicking on Clear button all the fields should be Clear or reload the same page
  • Excel (Button)
    • Excel button should be visible and user should be able to click.
    • After clicking on the Excel button, showing the data will be export to Excel.
  • PDF (Button)
    • PDF button should be visible and user should be able to click.
    • After clicking on PDF button grid view data export in PDF.
  • View (Button)
    • The uploaded PDF file can be viewed by clicking on the View button.
  • Action Gridview(Edit)
    • Click The Edit Icon - A Pop Up Message Will Open -Popup Message - Do You Want To Update The details?
    • On Choose Yes Button option, The Form Will Come In The Editable format.
    • After Editing The details in the from, On Click The Update Button,( A Pop Up Message Will Open. )- Message- Do You Want To Update details.
    • Choose YES - Popup Message - Data Updated Successfully.
    • Choose No - Data will be not Update.
  • Action Gridview(Delete)
    • If the user wants to delete a record – the user can click on the delete icon. Will permanently delete the record.
    • A Pop Up Message Will Be Shown - Popup Message - Do You Want To Delete The record ?
    • On Doing YES,
    • The record Will Be Deleted And The Popup Message Will Be Shown
    • Popup Message - Record Deleted Successfully.
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